First of all, "Tithing" was not the "Primary Subject" of Hebrews 7 and there is no commandment for Christians to tithe to anyone.
The author (of Hebrew)'s intention is NOT to teach how Christians to tithe but to explain the superiority of Jesus over several Old Testament figures.
The author of Hebrews is building a case for Lord Jesus and the Chapter-By-Chapter logical progression is listed below.
- Jesus Greater Than OT Prophets - Heb 1:1-3
- Jesus To Superior Angels - Heb 1:4-14, 2:5-18
- Jesus Worthy Of More Glory Than Moses - Heb 3:1-6
- Jesus Provides The Promised Rest Which Joshua Did Not - Heb 4:1-11
- Jesus Greater Than Aaronic High Priests - Heb 4:14—5:10
- Jesus' Priestly Ministry Superior To Levitical Priests - Heb 7:1—10:18
- Jesus Is Priest Forever, According To The Order Of Melchizedek - Heb 7:1-29
- Jesus, Minister Of New Covenant Replacing Old Covenant - Heb 8:1-13
- Jesus Entered Heavenly Sanctuary But Levitical Priests Did Not - Heb 9:1-29
- Jesus Offered Perfect Sacrifice But Levitical Priests Did Not - Heb 10:1-28

Book of Hebrews: What Was The Author's Intention?
Jesus Surpassing All Other OT Champions Of Faith Who Had Faith But Jesus Is The Author & Finisher Of Faith - Heb 11:1-40; 12:1-2
The main subject of Hebrews is to prove the Superiority of Jesus and the tithing thing is mentioned to teach the superiority of Melchizadek because logically the inferior is blessed by the superior, and the inferior offers a tithe to the superior, not vice versa (Heb 7:2)
Thus the priesthood of Melchizedek must be superior to that of Levi and Aaron (7:4-10), descendants of Abraham who lived generations later.
This does not mean all tithe recipients were superior to the tithe givers, especially when it comes to the 2nd and 3rd tithes where the servants, widows, orphans and strangers were the tithe recipients.
Hebrews 7 seems to refer to the 1st tithe (the Levitical tithe aka Ma'aser Rishon).
Hebrews 7 signifies the spiritual relationship between the tithe giver and the tithe recipient in the context of Priesthood.
Tithe recipients in the Old Testaments such as Melchizadek and the Levitical Priests performed spiritual functions (what the members of other 11 tribes could not perform) and they were therefore considered as "superior". For example the Levitical Priests (High Priest) had access to the Holy of Holies, privilege to eat the show bread and Levites were eligible to serve in the tabernacle unlike the members of other tribes.
In the New Testament period, every Christian is a Priest and no pastor is superior to any believer.
Tithe teachers automatically assume that Christians are supposed to "continue" to tithe because Jesus is our High Priest now.
No High Priest in the Old Testament ever received the actual 10% of anyone's income. Melchizadek received one tenth of the "best of the spoils" and not from the whole spoils (the young men had already eaten from the spoils before Abram could tithe). The Aaronic Priests received tithes from the rest of the Levites (10th of the 10th). So following this pattern, how can a Christian actually tithe to Jesus, obviously not the from the "gross income", often taught by the tithe teachers?
Did Jesus ask Christians to tithe?
No, not at all. Why didn't the disciples set apart (as a tithe to Jesus) 15.3 fish out of the 153 fish they caught (John 21:11), during a post-resurrection appearance of Jesus? Many early Christians sold 100% of their property and laid the value at the feet of the Apostles.Interestingly Barnabas, a Levite who was eligible to receive the tithes, sold his own possession and laid the money at the feet of the Apostles. Barnabas lived OUTSIDE the promised land and therefore he was able to OWN a property in spite of being a Levite. This incident also proves that under the New Covenant, the Levites no longer received tithes and there are no "spiritual" Levites either! The New Testament actually teaches that Jesus has bought us 100% through His blood and not just 10% of our income.
1 Corinthians 6:20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? Romans 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brothers, on account of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 1 Corinthians 7:23 You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.
Therefore if someone thinks that ONLY 10% of our income belongs to God is actually has not submitted himself/herself to the Lordship of Jesus. If failure to give tithes from Agricultural products is robbing God in the Old Testament, then failure to surrender 100% to Jesus is also an act of robbery.Priests in the Bible never tithed to anyone, they always received tithes and tithe teachers who demand one tenth from the believers are actually assaulting the priesthood of the believers.
1 Peter 2:5 - 9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light: Revelation 1:6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Revelation 5:10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.
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